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2018 National Assessment

and Classification Tour 

The Australian Sports Pony Registry conducted the 2018 Tour in partnership with Trakehners Australia, the Holsteiner Horse Association Australia and the Independent Pinto Horse Society. 

For the ASPR assessment, each pony/horse was assessed individually for conformation and free movement with ponies/horses aged 3 yrs and over having the option of assessment under saddle and/or jumping assessment.

Scores are used by each group for their own assessment and classification purposes with all horses and ponies who participate in the Tour eligible for the prestigious National Breed Show Awards where all results are compiled at the end of the Tour.

Ponies/Horses registered with the ASPR are eligible for

ASPR National Tour Awards.


ASSESSOR  -  Frank Weisskirchen

  • International Breed Judge (Zuchtrichter FN)

  • Professional membership of Trakehner Verband Board of Stallion Owners

  • Owner/CEO of Isselhook Stud

  • over 20 years experience in international horse marketing and an internationally recognised breeder and agent for high class sport horses for eventing, dressage and showjumping

2018 National Assessment Tour Magazine

**  NEW **

Stallion/Mare Test (AU) and Breeding Crown titles

The Tour also allows stallions and mares to begin the process of the new ASPR Stallion/Mare Test (AU).  For more information visit the Stallion/Mare Test (AU) page here . . .

The 2018 Tour provides breeders and owners with the ideal opportunity to start earning progeny points towards the new Breeding Crown titles for stallions and mares.  For more information visit the Breeding Crown page here . . .


2018 ASPR National Tour Awards

All ponies registered with the ASPR are eligible for the following awards :

Trophy & ASPR voucher for $50 will be awarded to :


  • National High Score Pony Foal

  • National High Score Premium Graded Pony (aged 3 yrs or over and must complete all 4 phases of the assessment)

Rosette and rug sponsored by

Pryde's EasiFeed will be awarded to :

  • National Best Presented

  • National High Score yearling

  • National High Score 2 yo 

  • National High Score 3 yo & over 

  • National High Score Pony Broodmare

  • National High Score Pony Stallion

  • National High Score Ridden Pony

  • National High Score Jumping Pony

  • National High Score Over Height Horse

Visit Trakehners Australia for information on purebred Trakehners and partbreds

Visit the Holsteiner Horse Assocation Australia for information on Holsteiners

Visit the Independent Pinto Horse Society for information on Pintos and Pintaloosas

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